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Game Changer

This summer, young Aussie Liam Hemsworth will attempt to carry his first starring vehicle all on his lonesome.

With a little bit of help from seasoned pros Harrison Ford and Gary Oldman, though.

Hemsworth will take the lead as a hungry recent college grad from Brooklyn in Paranoia, a corporate espionage thriller that will find the lad stuck between a rock and a hard place (meaning Ford and Oldman’s rather ruthless New York City tech tycoons).

Helping him get out of this hot mess – from the looks of the trailer – will be Josh Holloway, who will aid him as an FBI agent trying to keep the junior hot shot from ending up dead.

For good measure, Amber Heard co-stars as the object of Hemsworth’s lusty affection and the daughter of one of his tormentors.

Paranoia is set to unspool on Aug. 16.

Photo: HollywoodReporter.com.

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