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Farm Animals Friday !

Hi guys ! Can't believe its Friday already ! First off, happy birthday to my brother, hope you have a fantastic birthday today ♥

So Tip Top's facebook page, has been running weekly nail art theme competitions. This week's theme is FARM ANIMALS. Well, usually I don't enter these nail art competitions, but since my little man loves farm animals , I decided to give it a go . :)
(I also bummed some of his farm animal toys and books as decoration... Hee hee hee )

The rules are you have to use Tip Top colours... So first off let me mention all the colours I used creating these cute farm animals :

French Manicure White, Cream Puff, Peach Crisp, Sherbet Angel, Melting Marshmallow, Lemon Fuel, Black Forest , Twilight and Sexy Bikini ♥

So here follows all the cute pics (sorry this post is a little picture heavy ...)

A cow, a piggy, a cow, a duck and a sheep ♥

I just LOVE these cute farm animals don't you ?? My favourite of the bunch is the sheep, and the little piggy ♥

Remember all the colours you can get at any Clicks store for R39,95

Tip Top South Africa Facebook Page , for more of these awesome nail art themes competitions, and for the fab page. ♥

I really hope everyone will have a fantastic weekend ! ♥

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