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Best of 2015

Well it's 2016! Seriously I need someone to sit down and explain to me where the heck 2015 went?! I remember writing my Best of 2014 post and here we are, one year later... the years are going by too fast! Like this May will be 3 years since I graduated high school..... like wait hold up, what? I swear I was like 10 last week... anyone else feel like you blink and bam a year is over? 

Anyways, today I'm sharing the Best of 2015! 2015 was an incredible year on all fronts. It was one of the best and I had some amazing opportunities and memories. It was definitely a year of new and learning experiences! So today I'm sharing them with you! 

No. 1: Moving//

So if you don't know/have seen my family recently moved out to California from Kansas. It was a huge change but so far it's been a great one! We've all adjusted really well and it's been amazing. Can't beat 60 degree weather in January! I'm currently visiting my mom and brother and have been loving it. Follow along to see what I've been up to on Snapchat (@samanthagoble) and Insta (@samantha_goble). 

No. 2: Adulting//

After they moved out to California I was living on my own for about 2 1/2 months, a whole new experience for me. It was a learning one but I really enjoyed it! I loved being on my own and doing my own thing. Something I found out that I really enjoy is cooking/baking. While I only dabble in both I love the whole process and find it very rewarding. I especially love cooking for friends and family so you can bet if you come over for dinner you're gonna get a good meal ;)

No. 3: Turning 21//

This year I turned the big 2-1 and so far it's been great! I've ordered drinks out and at concerts, bought alcohol from a liquor store and found out what drinks I like and dislike. I love moscato, pina coladas, screwdrivers, vodka cranberries, Red's Apple Ale and Mike's hard lemonade. I don't like tequila, red and white wine and beer. I'm hoping more wine/beer will grow on me but for now I'll take the wimpy wines. If you have any good suggestions I'd love to hear them! I love trying/finding new favorites!

No. 4: KES//

This summer I had an internship with Kathryn of Kathryn Elise Studio, it was my first real adult job and it was such an amazing learning experience. I learned so much from her and had the best time. She's such an incredibly talented entrepreneur who has a passion for what she does. I absolutely loved my time working with her and took away some great things from her. 

No. 5: Blogging// 

I started blogging almost 2 years in March and so far it's been one of the best experiences of my life. I have gotten to do some of the most amazing things like attend Kansas City Fashion Week, Go Blog Social and be a part of the incredible KC blogging community. I had learned so much in my short time blogging and still have a lot to learn. It's been such a whirlwind adventure and I have loved every single second of it. I have big plans for the blog for 2016 and can't wait to dive right in! Thank you to everyone who has followed along and supported me on this journey! :) 

No. 6: Blogging Friends//

Going hand in hand with blogging is all of the amazing ladies that I've met through it! I love going to events and getting to catch up and just having a good time with them. These ladies are talented, fabulous and just great people! I couldn't imagine being a part of the blogging community without them!

No. 7: Traveling//

Every year I travel more and more and this year was no different! I've gone to California 3 times and traveled to Nashville for the first time. All were so much fun and I had such a great time in each. 2016 I hope to travel even more and go to some new places (East Coast I'm coming for you!). 

No. 8: Concerts//

2015 was the year of concerts with the total being six! Like traveling I go to more and more with every year. I've seen Walk the Moon, the Mowgli's (twice), Smallpools/Max Frost, Bastille/The Wombats/The Greeting Committee and One Direction! All the artists I saw were incredible live and gave such amazing shows. Definitely if you have the chance to see them, take it! 

No. 9: Jack aka Nugget//

This year I became a fur mom to this little nugget, Jack. I found him in a neighborhood that I nanny for and he came right up to me and started rubbing against me. After driving for hours trying to find his home/owner and failing I decided to adopt him. He's the orneriest, snuggliest, cutest little nugget and I wouldn't trade being a fur mom for anything! 

No. 10: Friends//

While I don't have a super big friend group it's made up of some of the best people. I spent the year with these girls, some old time friends and some new and had the best time with them! From tailgating, concerts, girl's nights, shopping thank you guys for being there for me! I can't wait to make more memories in the new year!

So that's the best of 2015! 2015 was an incredible year full of great memories and experiences. I'm not sure how 2016 can top it but I'm sure it will! 

What was the highlights of your year? Leave me a comment sharing! 

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